MR Specification
Speed range: 1.0m/s~4m/s
Load range: 630kg~2000kg
Traction Machine: VITO/GETM
Door operator: Jarless-con/Super-Ⅱ
Controller: U-CON
Door protection: Light curtains
MRL Specification
Speed range: 1.0m/s~1.75m/s
Load range: 630kg~2000kg
Traction Machine: VITO/GETM
Door operator: Jarless-con
Controller: U-CON
Door protection: Light curtains
With development of modern city, more and more high-end places are high-rise or multi-storey design with luxurious environment, and higher requirements are provided for elevator. improve passenger’s sensorial experience and bring up-and-down movement with comfort, technology and safety.