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Xizi Elevator Assists in Zambia Hospital Project

15 JAN, 2020

Xizi Elevator Assists in Zambia Hospital Project

Recently, the Zambian hospital assistance project for Levi Mwanavas in Zambia was completed ahead of schedule, as Xizi Elevator is the only new hospital for the diagnosis and treatment of coronary pneumonia in Lusaka that offers a comprehensive, systematic and safe solution for passenger flow. Concentrated with anti-epidemic agents worldwide.

The hospital project in Zambia was launched on May 12, 2017, and the reception was completed on January 14 of this year. Located in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, the project is designed for 826 beds and is one of the largest modern hospitals in Africa. The project is of great importance for improving the medical level of Zambia and improving the health status of the local population.

Xizi Elevator Technology serves many Class A hospitals. Thanks to many years of experience and technology, we design hospitals in a safe, comfortable, intelligent and convenient way to protect the life safety channel in accordance with the special conditions and needs of the hospital.